Cognitive Therapy

Online Transformational Cognitive Coaching

5 Sessions Coaching Pack

X-Mas special offer

Special Introduction price for the first pack

Are you a ‘thinker and over-thinker? This 5 sessions of transformational coaching can be very effective and helpful, and you might be surprised by how fast you'll feel better. More happy, secure and grounded.

This method realigns you with your brain.

Trough exploration, identifying and questioning your thoughts, you find the way back to the You that you love to be.

You no longer need to live everyday as your own worst enemy.

Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you.

If you are a ‘thinker and over-thinker, this method can be very effective and helpful, and you might be surprised by how fast you'll feel better.

If you find yourself stuck or lost, or both, in the same thought patterns and negative circles with the same not wanted behavioral…

Learning about Automatically Negative Thoughts [ANT] you’ll gain an increased understanding. You’ll realize the Inappropriate thought patterns are connected to your emotions and that the emotions are deciding your behavior. 

In your progress you learn to understand yourself and where you fail in your attempt to be happy, or to reach goals, or giving up before your task is done.  

 Radical changes come from development of a more positive focus.  

And you’ll get concrete tools that help you implement this in your day to day life. 

Module Cognitive Therapy

5 Coaching Sessions to xxxxxxx


You will believe in Yourself and gain confidence

You will make the right decisions in important choices

You will


Cognitive Coaching Pack

  • The goal and intention setting I made with Annema is important in both job context and private.

    What I learned through these 5 weeks with Annema is; When the concept of uncertainty hits me, my automatically limiting beliefs shows up strongest and blocks me and, my opportunities.

    I have also learned that everybody’s well-being is not always up to me, and that it is not all I can fix, and that’s okay. The first most important thing is that I'm fine, then I can do most good. From this state the people around me will benefit with fruits from my actions and my being.

    Working towards achieving my goal through STFB with Annema has helped me see that there is a pattern in my thoughts, emotions and behavior.

    Learning what is thoughts, what is feelings and next, what behavior these two leads to.. has been enlightening.

    By working with different situations and getting to recognize the thoughts that come in these situations. I have learned strategies that help me avoid ending up in mind traps. I am now able to frame in the situation and take control, when I experience a similar situation.

    By practicing this insights, I have learned to constructively look at what is real, and what is only automatic thoughts.

    It is a process to learn to recognize which mind traps is present when I experience uncertainty and lose faith in myself.

    When over time working with this method and put words to identify what is the thought, how the thought make me feel, and how that feeling makes me act. This awareness has showed me a pattern in negative actions and in an undermining of me as a person.

    By working with this method with Annema over 5 weeks, I have taught me to turn these thoughts, by reviewing thought for thought and looking at whether its real or not. Then after a validation being able to remove them completely or in various degrees.

    After the negative thoughts were reviewed, few of them were left, and those who were had lost much of their power.

    When looking at the same situation again, with objective eyes, gave me a new view of me as a person. It freed up capacity and made more of my pure intelligence accessible.

    Working with this during the time of 5 weeks, gave space for us to work together with challenges I met during these weeks. It gave me time to digest, take in and realize the power I have given to my false and limiting beliefs through many years.

    Working so methodically with STFB with Annema has taught me to become aware of how I can be in situations that used to be stressful. Discovering what strategies are most appropriate for me in situations I experience uncertainty. This in total really helps me better my confidence and my self-esteem.

    Annema is a confident and skilled co-creator who helps navigate towards my goal. She is compassionate, she listens and guides you to find your own strategies and strengths as a person. Annema is supportive and she is a good teacher with a tranquility that makes it safe to experiment.

    She has a look in her eyes that really sees who she's talking to. And she devotes her whole soul in guiding on the journey inwards to the heart. She has an infectious positive energy, is easy to talk with. It felt as we had known each other for years after just 2 calls. I'd recommend Annema to anyone.

    T.O Manager.

  • I had certain issues in my adult life because I was the child my mother did not want. The strategies I developed as a little girl came from the desire to be mirrored and loved for who I was.

    When those needs were not met, I developed dominant emotions such as fear, shame, anger, and jealousy.

    In adolescence and adulthood, these emotions have affected me much more than I have been aware of.

    My reactions are incorporated and shoot like a bazooka from the hip…. They were created by a little girl who had learned that she had to respond with the same force, otherwise I was nothing. Always a kind of shadow of something that was more important. I felt like a burden.

    Of course it has affected me negativelly.

    I have taken this with me into love relationships, friendships, work and in my own motherhood.

    But I have decided to put an end to it, and move on with my experiences

    I feel so lucky to have come in contact with AnneMa! She is phenomenal in building trust. She saw me! On the first session actually.

    She is powerful, approachable and always available. Both in, and in between our meetings.

    I experience that she takes responsibility for super managing our sessions and all the homework assignments.

    It made me feel safe so I could take a step out of myself. Observed, self-evaluated, meditated and written down thoughts. And most importantly, practiced this in my everyday life. I have chosen to walk the talk, and be dedicated and faithful to the process.

    By observing myself, and allowing myself to be honest with AnneMa, I have build greater control and insight into myself. It is all about an inner journey in mind and spirit.

    We often used a visual set up form, and that made it clear to me to see and understand my own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. And how they are deeply connected.

    This understanding enabled me to take myself back. It gave me a good self-esteem and get to know new sides of myself. I have re- defined my thoughts about myself and others. I choose more grounded perspectives from where I make my choices. I have a higher awareness.

    I have a inner peace in meeting other people, I have sorted out my thought patterns, and made way for new ways of being with myself, and with myself in the world.

    J.H.P -Social educator - May 2022